I’m new to Duniter. I’ve been reading about it and the comcept behind the coin is really interesting. I want to be part of the community. Mon français c’est horrible!
I’ve been playing with cryptocurrencies for a while, and I’m often amazed by the possibilities that they open. Dunitier is a greate example!
I also meke robots to automatically trade different cryptocurrencies here: https://cryptotrader.org It is handy when you have a very straight forward strategy.
As I am completelly new to the community, I don’t really understand how to get certified. I’m trying my best french on other posts, but if someone would be so kind to explain to me, please do so
I currently live in Belgium but I’m originally from Brazil . Je parle portuguais, anglais je etude nederlandes et un petit peux français.
My public key is: G4Uh4J5RhUi3qcLpXPjZvG1JcivafgKXKzpJpKekW6Bk
I hope to get to know some interesting people here =)
First, I want to recall that you can use the currency without being certified at all. You just need a wallet just like you did. The certifications are only required when you want to produce money as well.
I’m not sure of what I registred! There are a lot of sites and accounts, I’m new to all this so I’m quite lost. But indeed , to meet a belgium sounds the best thing to do. Any you know?
I’m pacient, it is just a bit hard to get around here in the begining!