Probleme de double compte

I’ve noticed this case once before, just recently, and I found myself reading the following thread that discusses this known issue. Cesium > Plusieurs identités sur un compte, mais impossible de changer vers la bonne avant de certifier - #10 par Paidge

In your case, as of wednesday June 29th at 15h45 (at least according to nodes and, it appears that the mempool has 2 sets/dosiers of distinct Identiy+Membership documents waiting to be treated. The first dosier references block #533210 and has 6 certs; the second dosier references block #535255 and has 3 certs. Via cesium, we can see that there are 2 Identity+Membership sets with the time they were published into the mempool as well as the number of certs each have… but we can neither navigate specifically to each in order to view the certs, nor can our certifiers navigate to certify a particular dosier.

I like vit’s Idea to revoke one of them… but I’m not sure if Cesium will enable you to specifically revoke the one you want. Perhaps other duniter clients allow for this???.. Where you could revoke the particular dosier that you do NOT want… or… Where your certifiers could certify a particular dosier???

In my recent case, I was acting as a certifier and the potential member preferred that I certify the dosier which Cesium had hidden/shadowed. I kludged a Certification document together referencing the shadowed dosier, signed it, and submitted it to the network. As an unknown side-effect of submitting a valid certification into the mempool, Cesium switched dosiers so that viewing/certifying via cesium was possible on the potential member’s prefered dosier… and effectively hiding/shadowing the one she didn’t prefer. That’s history, she’s one of us now.

If you do nothing, I suspect the dosier referencing 533210 will get written as those certs become available (or will expire and fall out of the mempool leaving only 1). vit’s advise to watch your dosiers on wotwizard is very useful (thanks vit… nicely done wotwizard devs!)

(added: Cesium currently has your 533210 dosier visible/actionable, which would be a superset of the other dosier once « Sylvieswing82 » certifies. Maybe ask that member to re-certify you for a 7th cert?)
