Renouvellement des certifications / ≥ 1.6.28 & 1.7.x

chargée et fonctionnelle de mon côté sur g1-test, fonctionne apparemment bien, délai de synchro manifestement boosté.


J’observe que c’est le nœud de @jytou qui permet un fonctionnement nominal. Un seul nœud sur le réseau avec API publique ne suffisait pas.

Maintenant il y en a au moins 3.

Après une semaine de coupures réseaux à répétitions, ma box s’est calmée et j’ai relancé mon nœud desktop intermittent en 1.7.8 cette nuit.

Comme d’habitude, j’ai le problème de ne pas pouvoir rattraper la bonne branche à cause de « blocs manquants ». Pas grave, je fais un reset & sync, ce qui me débloque toujours…

Ce matin je découvre que la synchro est bizarrement bloquée dans une boucle infinie !!?? :open_mouth:

Joyeux noël Félix…

J’aillais justement rapporter le même problème.

Je constate qu’il y a une vraie chute du nombre de membres calculant sur le réseau.

Il est possible que le réseau se fasse attaquer ou que les nœuds tombent du à des bugs.

Minimal Proof-of-Work: 84 to match `00000[0-B]*`
Difficulty to generate next block n°182291 for 13/18 nodes:
|      uid       |        match         |   Π diffi   |   Σ diffi |
|      moul      | 00000000000000000000 | 2.9 × 10^76 |      1012 |
|    Fabwice     | 00000000000000000000 | 2.6 × 10^38 |       508 |
|     cgeek      | 00000000000000000000 | 7.7 × 10^25 |       340 |
|     Felipe     |   0000000000[0-1]*   | 1.5 × 10^13 |       174 |
|     Vortex     |   0000000000[0-7]*   | 8.8 × 10^12 |       168 |
|    ji_emme     |     00000[0-6]*      | 9.4 × 10^6  |        89 |
| BenoitLavenier |     00000[0-7]*      | 8.4 × 10^6  |        88 |
|   Spartacus    |     00000[0-7]*      | 8.4 × 10^6  |        88 |
|    DYves62     |     00000[0-A]*      | 5.2 × 10^6  |        85 |
|  ThomasRouyer  |     00000[0-A]*      | 5.2 × 10^6  |        85 |
|    oaktree     |     00000[0-A]*      | 5.2 × 10^6  |        85 |
|     Melua      |     00000[0-B]*      | 4.2 × 10^6  |        84 |
|      deem      |     00000[0-B]*      | 4.2 × 10^6  |        84 |
|    gerard94    |     00000[0-B]*      | 4.2 × 10^6  |        84 |
|     Spyou      |     00000[0-B]*      | 4.2 × 10^6  |        84 |
|    nicoleC     |     00000[0-B]*      | 4.2 × 10^6  |        84 |
|    Guenoel     |     00000[0-B]*      | 4.2 × 10^6  |        84 |
|    pafzedog    |     00000[0-B]*      | 4.2 × 10^6  |        84 |

L’API BMA peut être désactivée, car elle source de demande de ressource et est une porte ouverte à l’attaquant.

Merci de veiller à ce que votre nœud tourne bien en cette période de fêtes.

Si vous souhaitez mettre en place une méthode qui s’occupe de relancer un nœud lorsque celui-ci est à l’arrêt, c’est par ici :


Peux-tu chiffrer ? Car sur Remuniter, je constate 33 membres calculants sur les 166 blocs, soit les 14 dernières heures, ce qui est tout à fait habituel :


Par ailleurs la chaîne suivie par Remuniter avance bien et je suis aussi dessus aussi.

Bref, aucun problème de mon point de vue. Ce serait bien que tu donnes des détails de ce qui te fait t’alerter, pour comprendre d’où vient le soucis que tu constates.

J’ai récemment remarqué une différence de "issuersFrame": 91, entre mon nœud et celle affichée par Rémuniter :

silkaj blocks 0
Last 91 blocks from n°182204 to n°182294 from 18 issuers
|      uid       |   blocks |   percent |
|     Felipe     |       12 |      13.2 |
|    ji_emme     |        9 |       9.9 |
|     cgeek      |        8 |       8.8 |
|    Fabwice     |        8 |       8.8 |
| BenoitLavenier |        8 |       8.8 |
|      moul      |        8 |       8.8 |
|   Spartacus    |        8 |       8.8 |
|    DYves62     |        4 |       4.4 |
|  ThomasRouyer  |        4 |       4.4 |
|    oaktree     |        4 |       4.4 |
|    pafzedog    |        4 |       4.4 |
|    nicoleC     |        3 |       3.3 |
|    Guenoel     |        3 |       3.3 |
|     Melua      |        2 |       2.2 |
|    gerard94    |        2 |       2.2 |
|     Vortex     |        2 |       2.2 |
|      deem      |        1 |       1.1 |
|     Spyou      |        1 |       1.1 |

OK, en effet Remuniter semble avoir un bug de ce côté là.

J’investiguerai ce soir pour ma part.

1 Like

2 messages ont été déplacés vers un nouveau sujet : Config qui saute lors du passage 1.6 vers 1.7 ?

De mon côté, pendant la période du 23 au 25, mon noeud a été partiellement éteint ou déconnecté… Je viens de réaliser qu’il a l’air bloqué au block 181941 et qu’il génère des erreurs ruleInputIsUnavailable. Il n’arrive pas à se remettre sur la chaine principale. Ci dessous les logs suite à redémarrage :

2018-12-26T16:01:47+01:00 - info: WS2P server 5cnvo5bmR8QbtyNVnkDXWq6n5My6oNLd1o6auJApGCsv listening on
2018-12-26T16:01:47+01:00 - info: BMA server listening on
2018-12-26T16:01:47+01:00 - info: UPnP: configuring...
2018-12-26T16:01:47+01:00 - info: WS2P: init: bundle of peers 1/6
2018-12-26T16:01:47+01:00 - info: Sibling endpoints:
2018-12-26T16:01:47+01:00 - info: BMA access:
2018-12-26T16:01:47+01:00 - info: WS2P access: :443
2018-12-26T16:01:47+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER 5cnvo5bm 181907-0
2018-12-26T16:01:47+01:00 - error:  httpCode=400, ucode=2023, message=Peer document already known
2018-12-26T16:01:47+01:00 - info: Next peering signal in 9 min
2018-12-26T16:01:47+01:00 - warn: Too high difficulty: waiting for other members to write next block
2018-12-26T16:01:47+01:00 - error: WS2P >>> >>> WS ERROR: INCORRECT_PUBKEY_FOR_REMOTE
2018-12-26T16:01:47+01:00 - error: WS2P >>> >>> WS ERROR: INCORRECT_PUBKEY_FOR_REMOTE
2018-12-26T16:01:49+01:00 - warn:  Error: timeout
    at Timeout._onTimeout (/opt/duniter/node_modules/nat-upnp/lib/nat-upnp/client.js:187:14)
    at ontimeout (timers.js:458:11)
    at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:296:5)
    at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:259:5)
2018-12-26T16:01:51+01:00 - warn: No UPnP gateway found: your node won't be reachable from the Internet. Use --noupnp option to avoid this message.
2018-12-26T16:02:02+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer H7m47ZFo using `WS2P 20900: WS2P connection timeout`
2018-12-26T16:02:02+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer 4VZkro3N using `WS2P 20902: WS2P connection timeout`
2018-12-26T16:02:02+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer EAHgNyYs using `WS2P 20900: WS2P connection timeout`
2018-12-26T16:02:02+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer 2sZF6j2P using `WS2P 443: WS2P connection timeout`
2018-12-26T16:02:02+01:00 - info: WS2P: init: bundle of peers 2/6
2018-12-26T16:02:03+01:00 - info: WS2P: connected to peer H7VemVkJ using `WS2P 20902`!
2018-12-26T16:02:03+01:00 - info: WS2P: connected to peer D9D2zaJo using `WS2P 443`!
2018-12-26T16:02:08+01:00 - error: Unhandled rejection: Error: not opened
2018-12-26T16:02:08+01:00 - error:  Error: not opened
    at WebSocket.send (/opt/duniter/node_modules/ws/lib/WebSocket.js:219:16)
    at WS2PPubkeyRemoteAuth.sendACK (/opt/duniter/app/modules/ws2p/lib/WS2PConnection.js:89:18)
    at (/opt/duniter/app/modules/ws2p/lib/WS2PConnection.js:409:79)
    at <anonymous>
2018-12-26T16:02:17+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer 4weakHxD using `WS2P 20900: WS2P connection timeout`
2018-12-26T16:02:17+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer 7PEUirB6 using `WS2P 443: WS2P connection timeout`
2018-12-26T16:02:17+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer DsEx1pS3 using `WS2P 443: WS2P connection timeout`
2018-12-26T16:02:17+01:00 - info: WS2P: init: bundle of peers 3/6
2018-12-26T16:02:17+01:00 - info: WS2P: connected to peer HS8Usac4 using `WS2P 20901`!
2018-12-26T16:02:18+01:00 - info: WS2P: connected to peer 8t6Di3pL using `WS2P 443`!
2018-12-26T16:02:21+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #182333-000005B3 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:21+01:00 - info: Block resolution: 0 potential blocks after current#181907...

2018-12-26T16:02:32+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer 5SwfQubS using `WS2P 20900: WS2P connection timeout`
2018-12-26T16:02:32+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer DzPxy78E using `WS2P 443: WS2P connection timeout`
2018-12-26T16:02:32+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer FEkbc4Bf using `WS2P 9009: WS2P connection timeout`
2018-12-26T16:02:32+01:00 - info: WS2P: init: bundle of peers 4/6
2018-12-26T16:02:33+01:00 - info: WS2P: connected to peer DTgQ97Au using `WS2P 20902`!
2018-12-26T16:02:34+01:00 - info: WS2P: connected to peer CRBxCJrT using `WS2P 20900`!
2018-12-26T16:02:34+01:00 - info: WS2P: connected to peer CTQZd3h8 using `WS2P 20901`!
2018-12-26T16:02:40+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER FUuwygFE 75724-00
2018-12-26T16:02:40+01:00 - warn:  Error: TOO_OLD_PEER
    at fifoPromiseHandler.pushFIFOPromise (/opt/duniter/app/service/PeeringService.js:134:31)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
2018-12-26T16:02:43+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER GfKERHnJ 182321-0
2018-12-26T16:02:43+01:00 - warn: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-26T16:02:43+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER GfKERHnJ 182321-0
2018-12-26T16:02:43+01:00 - warn: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-26T16:02:44+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER ES5KQYUY 69926-00
2018-12-26T16:02:44+01:00 - warn:  Error: TOO_OLD_PEER
    at fifoPromiseHandler.pushFIFOPromise (/opt/duniter/app/service/PeeringService.js:134:31)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
2018-12-26T16:02:45+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER GZmfRVjg 71744-00
2018-12-26T16:02:45+01:00 - warn:  Error: TOO_OLD_PEER
    at fifoPromiseHandler.pushFIFOPromise (/opt/duniter/app/service/PeeringService.js:134:31)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
2018-12-26T16:02:45+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER D3ANobmK 59699-00
2018-12-26T16:02:45+01:00 - warn:  Error: TOO_OLD_PEER
    at fifoPromiseHandler.pushFIFOPromise (/opt/duniter/app/service/PeeringService.js:134:31)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
2018-12-26T16:02:45+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER D3ANobmK 59699-00
2018-12-26T16:02:45+01:00 - error:  Error: TOO_OLD_PEER
    at fifoPromiseHandler.pushFIFOPromise (/opt/duniter/app/service/PeeringService.js:134:31)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
2018-12-26T16:02:45+01:00 - error: Error: TOO_OLD_PEER
    at fifoPromiseHandler.pushFIFOPromise (/opt/duniter/app/service/PeeringService.js:134:31)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
2018-12-26T16:02:45+01:00 - warn: TOO_OLD_PEER
2018-12-26T16:02:46+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER B1P4Bprt 94487-00
2018-12-26T16:02:46+01:00 - warn:  Error: TOO_OLD_PEER
    at fifoPromiseHandler.pushFIFOPromise (/opt/duniter/app/service/PeeringService.js:134:31)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
2018-12-26T16:02:46+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER FA5CALDT 70205-00
2018-12-26T16:02:46+01:00 - warn:  Error: TOO_OLD_PEER
    at fifoPromiseHandler.pushFIFOPromise (/opt/duniter/app/service/PeeringService.js:134:31)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
2018-12-26T16:02:47+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer 8iVdpXqF using `WS2P 20901: WS2P connection timeout`
2018-12-26T16:02:47+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer HqSgtznE using `WS2P 20901: WS2P connection timeout`
2018-12-26T16:02:47+01:00 - warn:  Error: not opened
    at WebSocket.send (/opt/duniter/node_modules/ws/lib/WebSocket.js:218:38)
    at Promise (/opt/duniter/app/modules/ws2p/lib/WS2PConnection.js:509:21)
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at WS2PConnection.request (/opt/duniter/app/modules/ws2p/lib/WS2PConnection.js:507:16)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
2018-12-26T16:02:47+01:00 - info: WS2P: connection [H7VemVkJ `WS2P 20902`] has been closed
2018-12-26T16:02:48+01:00 - info: WS2P: connection [DTgQ97Au `WS2P 20902`] has been closed
2018-12-26T16:02:50+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER GfKERHnJ 182321-0
2018-12-26T16:02:50+01:00 - warn: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-26T16:02:57+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER GfKERHnJ 182321-0
2018-12-26T16:02:57+01:00 - warn: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-26T16:02:57+01:00 - info: Blocks were not applied.
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181907-00000547 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181908-000009D0 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181909-000000A1 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181910-00000309 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181911-000003EA added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181912-00000098 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181913-00000547 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181914-0000098E added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181915-00000D25 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181916-00000ACA added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181917-0000038D added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181918-00000577 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181919-0000067F added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181920-000005D4 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181921-000007DE added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181922-00000FAC added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181923-00000694 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181924-0000051F added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181925-00001F73 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181926-00000D09 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181927-0000037A added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181928-000008B8 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181929-000000C2 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181930-00000BFD added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181931-00000CAB added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181932-00000081 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181933-0000026E added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181934-000004CC added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181935-0000229F added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181936-00000970 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181937-00001572 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181938-000007AC added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181939-00000A44 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181940-00000707 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181941-00000690 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181942-00000C0D added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181943-00000088 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181944-0000075F added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181945-00001409 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181946-00002E8D added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181947-00000505 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181948-00000116 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181949-0000082B added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181950-00000361 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181951-00000036 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181952-00001153 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181953-000029C5 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181954-000001AC added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181955-00000964 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181956-00000BA0 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181957-00000D0D added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181958-00000CBD added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181959-000005E4 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181960-00000E7C added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181961-00000A8C added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181962-00000143 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181963-000000DC added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181964-00000DB5 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181965-00000112 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181966-00000B4C added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181967-00000701 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181968-00000A88 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181969-000003C4 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181970-00000370 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181971-00000432 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181972-00000794 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181973-000000AF added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181974-00000739 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181975-00000443 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181976-000001C4 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181977-000002C8 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181978-00000AE3 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181979-00000CE3 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181980-000001D4 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181981-000009A3 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181982-000000EF added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181983-00000348 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181984-000002A6 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181985-000005AB added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181986-00000BAE added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181987-000007E9 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181988-00000B76 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181989-000001F7 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181990-00000532 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181991-000003F2 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181992-00000C54 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181993-0000030F added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181994-0000013F added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181995-000002A2 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181996-00000190 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181997-000009F3 added to the blockchain in 2 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181998-00000838 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #181999-00000B3F added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #182000-00000745 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #182001-0000076A added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #182002-00000355 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #182003-0000001F added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #182004-0000060C added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #182005-00000065 added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:02:59+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #182006-0000063D added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:02+01:00 - warn: WS2P request timeout
2018-12-26T16:03:02+01:00 - info: Block resolution: 0 potential blocks after current#181907...
2018-12-26T16:03:02+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: 97 potential block(s) found...
2018-12-26T16:03:02+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: 1 potential suite(s) found...
2018-12-26T16:03:02+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: HEAD = block#181907
2018-12-26T16:03:02+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 (-> #182006-000006) revert to fork point block#181906
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181907 added to the blockchain in 66 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181907-00000547D4EC1E5AAFA387CD7F639B8E015EAC60A5911CDE649DC08DBAAB4C78
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181908 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181908-000009D0ADABD6CA8B6C51EF89706BF2CF73E75C9C7289A733DEC712C9689BB8
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181909 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181909-000000A1FBA957210F8BC350E66534872E503EEACCA53756E67CE0A59ACB4BC9
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181910 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181910-000003090E68D3A9E7503FA79A2EBBA5463D8B2FD83F2FABEA2A63945F05C2D4
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181911 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181911-000003EA9F4119F1DF2E09C1445531EE0B82F7469E7B5E78D4F72D1542DA7355
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181912 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181912-00000098814CB836F43B7960185CB206D92AAA97C768AF8C1E5E194C7D508D32
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181913 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181913-00000547F6AB986DF3E1DAB36230C825DE1E65AF73FFE136E663C9D8CBAC21F0
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181914 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181914-0000098EB31710480BAB38AAAE4DDF58D546C3D66E73BA50A451B16DCBC5C146
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181915 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181915-00000D257083778148337287550703E649D6D1C4C64D1262B22DDBCCA8FBF473
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181916 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181916-00000ACAB01E7838DEFAB606F669878C958BCAD7AC7B6F32ECFF553AC21EF7D9
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181917 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181917-0000038D56D45B716A9FE07894908BB06058A6783162BA7EB1C5A8EB21A37081
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181918 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181918-000005771C4873739DC7808F281501007197CF7176ED0A5F267379F216CBC00A
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181919 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181919-0000067FF36E360442FF85F5689420645667D719FCF9A4EB0E39277061518E66
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181920 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181920-000005D41BCA92841A8B9C90F22A00535845387F644F72B108F14D2DF5E19BED
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181921 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181921-000007DEE72396B951F5BE418F06B118744835E44A796F440521EC45D929BFBD
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181922 added to the blockchain in 6 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181922-00000FACC806862AB510A71C5C281DBC4B4B115070B44C224DF5FF7E50315052
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Block #181923 added to the blockchain in 13 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:03+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181923-00000694B58C17962D09B5F887412E9E1C3B61FBE5DF6AD929E230B26BC0880C
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181924 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181924-0000051F8475815F875A5A8CC74A41CE958B06A05D1FDA52107186C4B4F052D6
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER GfKERHnJ 182322-0
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER GfKERHnJ 182322-0
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181925 added to the blockchain in 246 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181925-00001F73298798518D0692245EF4E530347DE7ADEF8293D90C34A8D38312FAF3
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181926 added to the blockchain in 12 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181926-00000D09E7495FDA178FE7C23D7D3185389C31492C13DDE765925E72C9030AD7
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181927 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181927-0000037AF1B288CB16E9D51F8FE965BACB4D2042135D341BC798BC41F33DEDB4
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181928 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181928-000008B86F8FDF3B80FB5158E49469DA09AE4A205CDFA0AA57C4BF077D3C7B8F
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER GfKERHnJ 182322-0
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181929 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181929-000000C2AC2EE41C64DC106DB133558A41ECCEA061110C2C4B63DF0DC5358F73
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER GfKERHnJ 182323-0
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181930 added to the blockchain in 12 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181930-00000BFD943AA1A321B1A13ED43AE72D7C350DE39FFC50494A9551AAD9EAAB21
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER GfKERHnJ 182323-0
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181931 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181931-00000CAB8FAB7E30B42EE7FF8192A42A0D1B3A9AEEA31EF36336700A0B4318DA
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181932 added to the blockchain in 117 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181932-0000008156C0A8BB53C006441A90FF582227C7A9FF5FD26769F881DAA2EF3A09
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181933 added to the blockchain in 79 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181933-0000026E4965FCA550797235184A7DFCF5F930DFB09CFCA8B46D1F4389079732
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER GfKERHnJ 182323-0
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181934 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181934-000004CCFFD17FDDDF9CB929ED957722DCB6B1F81556D656A578E71560807D1D
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181935 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181935-0000229F034DB7524B685B8833A2C1481FF551F2EB598451072FC9BB02E7B14E
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181936 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181936-0000097022E58DF08F902CA3A661EF3C39A81F494CE1AA8DA4E969C2802BBCBD
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181937 added to the blockchain in 6 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181937-000015729A016B200C75F18C5A60F0A0D813B588C471F6FF42D86BF0B276346D
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181938 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181938-000007ACCF35CBEDD4BCF5AC5BCF5AC9B3E6AE9BCA4D8837A92464E7F257298B
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181939 added to the blockchain in 6 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181939-00000A44B1B7A3DD750B60ECAB4978A01261C9510DA09A461817AF62A55986DA
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181940 added to the blockchain in 6 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181940-000007074053C2C84254856F35B2BFC6C3CDB2576BBD69CA680B233706910EC8
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Block #181941 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:04+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181941-000006902B50728412FE0550A8D02891B0F887275692A32DCCC475E76B704670
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181942 added to the blockchain in 75 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181942-00000C0D77B0D1105ECFBBD3C0412EB9F10BF2512FE94FF2631049058755DAA1
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181943 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181943-0000008891CDAC2113F2FF96A400550FB9074C462373BC0F7AFBFC113390C99B
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181944 added to the blockchain in 13 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181944-0000075F1F93E61362A430FC272656F5590D937090F5C4F680F867CDCB9A8FCA
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181945 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181945-0000140984A96B88B83F557109D9B2AFF7F15C917A1D1A535F7A6BADBB1406B4
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181946 added to the blockchain in 12 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181946-00002E8D89CEEAE17BE64C9F83F8076883E68B3BFABC40F86B83A9E005AA16E5
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181947 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181947-00000505BEC30D9E63A2D65129D067B150768A5A7AEC46C30F4A9AFEA0B37285
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181948 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181948-00000116F456188881626AD6E4A7C8ABE999A5F212B061C3272651BFC0DC2BCF
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181949 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181949-0000082BF1FB271EE240964118723A3E6DA08C492A57A4EA8B2469CECDCEB480
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181950 added to the blockchain in 14 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181950-00000361CDD26AA7B45C3FA7AE88F9624E64B308BA86F02B72CEDB3254005C00
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181951 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181951-00000036EE33EF44013F3B9B4298DDA95CF8B2156E803B8C5030E74D854C162A
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181952 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181952-000011536F9246111A16A7186AC2866D811DF40FAA5C896792E573ECCA3504BE
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181953 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181953-000029C536E65F5B20F0E8C412CB400A44FE1D3660649FD95291ED3E935EBF0C
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181954 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181954-000001AC5C2FE1B52EECD1DA8E70C7BF3E9A177C04231C77BCE2D9D7AD237444
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181955 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181955-00000964C46483730BC9E627943ED467241092C6BA4C888BF12AB042570FEEBC
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181956 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181956-00000BA0B22FBF139D8B07C0C32EC33FA5B547EE1FEB4BE0B258403D426CDC17
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181957 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181957-00000D0D6BA03EC7CB28BFFE2FC2EE3F63EFDCF20E58F3C8AB0FB17A45255F18
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Block #181958 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181958-00000CBDE21496C6EFD81F562C355E6DE0310FF3FC8F0C7C3E59CB36619B44AC
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181959 added to the blockchain in 14 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181959-000005E410B6C8B35A88BAD8153CAEFBF4BD3531CCFBC3233CB96A2702F90551
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181960 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181960-00000E7C7C76C34726E6CDAC2DF636DD324F5FAF4E0210E4D5ED07BFB5BE9046
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181961 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181961-00000A8CA78B7FCC25F1807C2F48D53F96D10344BBA8299A7DAC349BF90C5280
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181962 added to the blockchain in 13 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181962-00000143716174A15972AF33A7A1D1723716D81FADADEE6156A55B11A6C9532F
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181963 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181963-000000DC5FADDDD4226605B6C415C68448D29BAAE285D0372410723145AC9A6E
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181964 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181964-00000DB513FB24922D5EA7C9C74A2A48946442743FDEC3C5086CD5C37B6E0E63
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181965 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181965-00000112B9BCA1E88F368E0A4D6B13E622A8072B9064CF1E72A3DE0A85826FC1
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181966 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181966-00000B4CFDDC25CE2B6246E458A7927B6007ACE4AECD063521F6680B208DC3D1
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181967 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181967-000007015818E0E8A390272CAA084F920CCBD308AA3C9917F522A56EBA9857CF
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181968 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181968-00000A880D8F84CA64CF2591B0A859DEB6A17F88BC4CA6185D6A4BF5E160B6B5
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181969 added to the blockchain in 12 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181969-000003C462D17A7D685C4DF96976B0006DEB8A6341B6B34CD104E585DCD854E5
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181970 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181970-00000370D62E7BD04B0DAF79EA7A59E9FBD172CF3BA3699E1E4119D88D3AC240
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181971 added to the blockchain in 137 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181971-00000432C5256FCD3C50717C601C27067ADE8CCA53D5C1E4ECB622D2B5AC9F4A
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181972 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181972-00000794F20BDED931C0BEC6D370F01B02D2185D0032CF15C7011A1B83683458
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181973 added to the blockchain in 14 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181973-000000AF8B20B718BD690EAFFF3A6C022EC3FAEE747257C1496D20824BBD0851
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181974 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181974-00000739D336867D1EC526B7C285AC5ACAB03FAEEFB81DAC8D886B2D9BF6262C
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181975 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181975-000004438894062DAB1042F8C21451563725CBCF2D683C3898658DF1A4B93043
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181976 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181976-000001C4EC442B249210387A1F1269505AD2C85079349F1287973FFAA108C934
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181977 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181977-000002C8B2CDF2B33505A01634AD7E44BA601CF0F80D238AA45085CC4DD5AEF1
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181978 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181978-00000AE3C693C5E747910696FC61F5E626EDACD39E94357DD421BD0FD8C51023
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181979 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181979-00000CE357DB7690DC653A79EFF5CCBA4B29B9DF96E9626197B6FC15B6FFDB73
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181980 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181980-000001D41CC71D39489926A2F4A45560271144EF43C839E6BDFDD9877156E893
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Block #181981 added to the blockchain in 11 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:06+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181981-000009A36FD1028690A3BA41695FFD7C879B6F074ACAFE91EE15978818B6A15B
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181982 added to the blockchain in 153 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181982-000000EFA48BF1E8BCCFB8EA594EF789A19EE3EAFB129D64108D6BF24FB508A3
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181983 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181983-00000348AEAB352E73921318C9D07D0DFB59C16789D5645BDAA78C47F2B69DE8
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181984 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181984-000002A6911585E7B08853ABFEB7164DF697527A7EF014088049C69FD53B16F9
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181985 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181985-000005AB90D77F40BABAC1D6CDAEEF3C5838C6B3624AF45F0E37244986F395BA
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181986 added to the blockchain in 17 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181986-00000BAEE891652DF674A6DEAFECF06F46D2E8A57CFD1337D884CEA8D9C203D7
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181987 added to the blockchain in 14 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181987-000007E9755FEA75DE99E1B4751A89ED9F44CFA898F41EB02BAE367E146506C0
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181988 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181988-00000B76AF06950E109C6EFB6C3EC99359991F95433DCBE4A21CE0DE344E2AF2
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181989 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181989-000001F734C2B4F7393D2DBCBD38BDE3A4588200EEBB54A54482ACB2FEDF6F43
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181990 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181990-00000532EC6BCEB94E8DBA758970C87E81B6C84DAB6B27E56F1CAB112EE07561
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181991 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181991-000003F20BA778CC676371C946995118E15E581DA3FFF55D822DB90025DB89C5
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181992 added to the blockchain in 15 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181992-00000C544723A26A4571C99BF29315EEBE1A58EAA37797AA70F07BBF428C6942
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181993 added to the blockchain in 38 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181993-0000030F7F4A5E402D7D83CC3424408DAD1E3D6D5D65D72FA7B46445B36EC075
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181994 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181994-0000013F4A7054E2E40CC4C171DC81C0D8AB5E54E794B91654B256B32A368710
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181995 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181995-000002A27827643927450324A743F5E538D7ABD86A581F6516BBD96BAB0CC35B
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181996 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181996-00000190BEDBDDF668D7C691AD29C7367A1D4D6DD1323D99DE26BD85686E0EEF
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181997 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181997-000009F3C2F4B9D48E63D51CD36ACCC8DBE0A603FE5B91341427F73EC0D7AF1E
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181998 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181998-00000838112356EE34B64CC43FB9211E83193077599175ADECB1EE017B2DB7F6
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #181999 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#181999-00000B3F26064BC5FFD02BDC3D4B50EB46D0552BCDA533BAD5B5556FF3C84062
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #182000 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#182000-000007452AE1A4920D75A905062E26134FD6D9C468A56A04CDA7708A56615D04
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #182001 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#182001-0000076A30A47FA7B3580A344FFA76FB759595C248E0B6FCB0A59CA7A5D71537
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #182002 added to the blockchain in 9 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#182002-0000035560786DEFCBEEEA3357843B04C26D320E88E240326B1A6DFB9B725544
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #182003 added to the blockchain in 32 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#182003-0000001F4F78988D7EFCFD7BC8BAD36550A0793FEBE9FD0BCBCE3FCBA8FEFF4E
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #182004 added to the blockchain in 8 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#182004-0000060CD812ABFB97A0A32F75A34D39830F8D4BA637FC5ACA8906FC55534D71
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Block #182005 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:07+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#182005-000000654F1DA26E30C220C7159D511D424467869007D488C8B93CB78EBEB9E4
2018-12-26T16:03:08+01:00 - info: Block #182006 added to the blockchain in 12 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:08+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 added block#182006-0000063D5170A002B1187C5DE5C9C0DC8C00895CCF643F9DEF36A1D16E368761
2018-12-26T16:03:08+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/1 reached HEAD + 99. Now rolling back.
2018-12-26T16:03:21+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER HnQH8P6n 182327-0
2018-12-26T16:03:21+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER HnQH8P6n 182327-0
2018-12-26T16:03:21+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER HnQH8P6n 182327-0
2018-12-26T16:03:30+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER H7VemVkJ 181831-0
2018-12-26T16:03:42+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER FSAPnBZi 182303-0
2018-12-26T16:03:43+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER FSAPnBZi 182303-0
2018-12-26T16:03:43+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER FSAPnBZi 182303-0
2018-12-26T16:03:43+01:00 - info: Block #181907 added to the blockchain in 18 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:43+01:00 - info: Block #181907 added to the blockchain in 18 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:43+01:00 - info: Block #181908 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:43+01:00 - info: Block #181909 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181910 added to the blockchain in 12 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181911 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181912 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181913 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181914 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181915 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181916 added to the blockchain in 14 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181917 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181918 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181919 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181920 added to the blockchain in 12 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181921 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181922 added to the blockchain in 13 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181923 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181924 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181925 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181926 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181927 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181928 added to the blockchain in 11 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181929 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:44+01:00 - info: Block #181930 added to the blockchain in 14 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - info: Block #181931 added to the blockchain in 17 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - info: Block #181932 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - info: Block #181933 added to the blockchain in 19 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - info: Block #181934 added to the blockchain in 15 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - info: Block #181935 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - info: Block #181936 added to the blockchain in 11 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - info: Block #181937 added to the blockchain in 12 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - info: Block #181938 added to the blockchain in 15 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - info: Block #181939 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - info: Block #181940 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - info: Block #181941 added to the blockchain in 10 ms
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - error:  Error: ruleInputIsAvailable
    at Function.checkBlock (/opt/duniter/app/lib/blockchain/DuniterBlockchain.js:186:19)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - warn: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - warn: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - warn: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - error: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - error: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-26T16:03:45+01:00 - warn: Unknown reference block of peer
^[[M D*^[[M#D*2018-12-26T16:04:10+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER CTQZd3h8 182303-0
2018-12-26T16:04:10+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER CTQZd3h8 182303-0
2018-12-26T16:04:10+01:00 - warn: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-26T16:04:13+01:00 - info: [5cnvo5bm] ⬇ PEER CTQZd3h8 182303-0
2018-12-26T16:04:13+01:00 - warn: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-26T16:05:04+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #182334-0000055B added to the blockchain in 0 ms
2018-12-26T16:05:04+01:00 - info: Block resolution: 1 potential blocks after current#181941...
2018-12-26T16:05:04+01:00 - error:  Error: ruleInputIsAvailable
    at Function.checkBlock (/opt/duniter/app/lib/blockchain/DuniterBlockchain.js:186:19)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: 63 potential block(s) found...
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #182005-00000065 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #182004-0000060C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #182003-0000001F is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #182002-00000355 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #182001-0000076A is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #182000-00000745 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181999-00000B3F is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181998-00000838 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181997-000009F3 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181996-00000190 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181995-000002A2 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181994-0000013F is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181993-0000030F is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181992-00000C54 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181991-000003F2 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181990-00000532 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181989-000001F7 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181988-00000B76 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181987-000007E9 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181986-00000BAE is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181985-000005AB is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181984-000002A6 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181983-00000348 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181982-000000EF is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181981-000009A3 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181980-000001D4 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181979-00000CE3 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181978-00000AE3 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181977-000002C8 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181976-000001C4 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181975-00000443 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181974-00000739 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181973-000000AF is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181972-00000794 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181971-00000432 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181970-00000370 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181969-000003C4 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181968-00000A88 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181967-00000701 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181966-00000B4C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181965-00000112 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181964-00000DB5 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181963-000000DC is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181962-00000143 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181961-00000A8C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181960-00000E7C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181959-000005E4 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181958-00000CBD is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181957-00000D0D is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181956-00000BA0 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181955-00000964 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181954-000001AC is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181953-000029C5 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181952-00001153 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181951-00000036 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181950-00000361 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181949-0000082B is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181948-00000116 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181947-00000505 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181946-00002E8D is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181945-00001409 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181944-0000075F is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:05:05+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181943-00000088 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #182335-000005E1 added to the blockchain in 1 ms
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Block resolution: 1 potential blocks after current#181941...
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - error:  Error: ruleInputIsAvailable
    at Function.checkBlock (/opt/duniter/app/lib/blockchain/DuniterBlockchain.js:186:19)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: 63 potential block(s) found...
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #182005-00000065 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #182004-0000060C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #182003-0000001F is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #182002-00000355 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #182001-0000076A is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #182000-00000745 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181999-00000B3F is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181998-00000838 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181997-000009F3 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181996-00000190 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181995-000002A2 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181994-0000013F is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181993-0000030F is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181992-00000C54 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181991-000003F2 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181990-00000532 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181989-000001F7 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181988-00000B76 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181987-000007E9 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181986-00000BAE is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181985-000005AB is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181984-000002A6 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181983-00000348 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181982-000000EF is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181981-000009A3 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181980-000001D4 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181979-00000CE3 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181978-00000AE3 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181977-000002C8 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181976-000001C4 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181975-00000443 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181974-00000739 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181973-000000AF is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181972-00000794 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181971-00000432 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181970-00000370 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181969-000003C4 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181968-00000A88 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181967-00000701 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181966-00000B4C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181965-00000112 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181964-00000DB5 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181963-000000DC is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181962-00000143 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181961-00000A8C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181960-00000E7C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181959-000005E4 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181958-00000CBD is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181957-00000D0D is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181956-00000BA0 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181955-00000964 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181954-000001AC is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181953-000029C5 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181952-00001153 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181951-00000036 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181950-00000361 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181949-0000082B is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181948-00000116 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181947-00000505 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181946-00002E8D is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181945-00001409 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181944-0000075F is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-26T16:06:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #181943-00000088 is known as incorrect. Skipping.

Est-ce que je reset + resync, est-ce que @¢geek tu veux que j’extrais les logs… ?

Plutôt ta BDD (tout le dossier data/).

J’ai effectivement l’impression qu’il y a eu un fork non résolue par une partie des nœuds, leur point commun est d’être dans une version <= 1.6.23. Je dois encore confirmer que c’est bien ça, mais c’est une bonne piste car le bloc 181831 contient une transaction, or c’est le point de fork.

D’ailleurs j’ai la BDD de WotWizard sous la main, en 1.6.21, et qui a subi ce fork.

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J’ai le même problème de fork au même point en 1.6.25

Te rappelles-tu la dernière fois que tu as synchronisé ? Si oui, en quelle version était-ce ?

edit : et aussi, quand es-tu passé en 1.6.25 ?

La piste se confirme, j’investiguerai un peu plus dans une heure ou deux et vous donnerai tous les détails techniques.

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Silkaj utilise t il BMA ? Si oui (comme Cesium) alors comment couper BMA sans risquer de concentrer les appels à BMA sur les memes noeuds ?


Je sais bien. C’est un peu déjà le cas. Mais on a trouvé la source du problème. Je pensais que ça pouvait venir d’une attaque étant donné que la moitié du réseau n’était plus présent.

Et l’idée serait d’accélérer le développement de GVA. Mais, on en est encore loin.

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Oui, 100% d’accord. Ca va etre ma priorité en 2019, via Cesium2.

Pour info : j’ai décidé de faire évoluer la branche 1.6 de Duniter afin de supporter le renouvellement de certifications comme la branche 1.7.

Pourquoi faire évoluer la 1.6 ?

Car plusieurs services reposent dessus, notamment Remuniter et WotWizard, et que modifier ces services n’est pas trivial. Tandis que reproduire les commits 1.7 vers 1.6 s’est fait en une journée.


Ne soyez donc pas surpris de voir une 1.6.28 sur le réseau ĞTest puis sur le réseau Ğ1. J’ai déjà bien testé le cœur, néanmoins il reste quelques points à verrouiller.

:warning: Attention si vous installez la 1.6.28, celle-ci aura la même tendance que la 1.7 à activer son drapeau de migration vers le protocole v11 (active le renouvellement) pour la Ğ1. Agissez en connaissance de cause.


@jytou, pourrais-tu produire les builds ARM et Windows.
J’ai besoin du build ARM pour proposer cette màj pour duniter_ynh.

C’est parti. Rendez-vous d’ici une heure max si tout va bien.