Souci install Sakia

Bonjour, bravo tout d’abord pour votre engagement. Désolé de vous embêter, mais j’ai un problème d’installation de Sakia sur win64. A l’exécution, message d’erreur : “Le point d’entrée de procédure ucrtbase.terminate est introuvable dans la bibli de lien dynamiques…”

Il faut installer ceci :

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Merci Inso, j’ai bien installé ce que tu m’as indiqué, puis un dll manquant. J’installe Sakia, je l’exécute, mais la fenêtre d’exécution disparaît, puis plus rien :disappointed_relieved:

Quelle version de Sakia as tu installé ? 32 ou 64 ?

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ben 64

Peux tu le lancer dans un cmd pour pouvoir nous copier coller les logs ?

Il faut faire shift + clic droit dans le dossier contenant “sakia.exe” puis “Ouvrir une ligne de commandes”. Il faut ensuite lancer sakia en tappant


Puis entrée.

Aussi, quel OS utilises tu ? W7 ou W10 ? Peux-tu essayer avec Sakia 32 bits ?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia>sakia.exe
PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x
LOADER: executable is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia\sakia.exe
LOADER: homepath is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia
LOADER: archivename is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia\sakia.exe
LOADER: No need to extract files to run; setting extractionpath to homepath
LOADER: SetDllDirectory(C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia)
LOADER: Already in the child - running user’s code.
LOADER: Python library: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia\python35.dll
LOADER: Loaded functions from Python library.
LOADER: Manipulating environment (sys.path, sys.prefix)
LOADER: Pre-init sys.path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia\;C:\Pr
ogram Files (x86)\Sakia
LOADER: sys.prefix is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia
LOADER: Setting runtime options
LOADER: Initializing python
LOADER: Overriding Python’s sys.path
LOADER: Post-init sys.path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia\;C:\P
rogram Files (x86)\Sakia
LOADER: Setting sys.argv
LOADER: setting sys._MEIPASS
LOADER: importing modules from CArchive
LOADER: extracted struct
LOADER: callfunction returned…
LOADER: extracted pyimod01_os_path
LOADER: callfunction returned…
LOADER: extracted pyimod02_archive
LOADER: callfunction returned…
LOADER: extracted pyimod03_importers
LOADER: callfunction returned…
LOADER: Installing PYZ archive with Python modules.
LOADER: PYZ archive: out00-PYZ.pyz
LOADER: Running
LOADER: Running
LOADER: Running
LOADER: Running
LOADER: Running
LOADER: Running
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “sakia\”, line 21, in
File “”, line 969, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 958, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 664, in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 634, in _load_backward_compatible
File “c:\python35_64\envs\test-environment\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loade
r\”, line 389, in load_module
File “sakia\gui\”, line 16, in
File “”, line 969, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 958, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 664, in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 634, in _load_backward_compatible
File “c:\python35_64\envs\test-environment\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loade
r\”, line 389, in load_module
File “sakia\gui\”, line 8, in
File “”, line 969, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 958, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 664, in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 634, in load_backward_compatible
File “c:\python35_64\envs\test-environment\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loade
r\”, line 389, in load_module
File "site-packages\duniterpy_init
.py", line 27, in
File “”, line 969, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 958, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 664, in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 634, in load_backward_compatible
File “c:\python35_64\envs\test-environment\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loade
r\”, line 389, in load_module
File "site-packages\duniterpy\key_init
.py", line 1, in
File “”, line 969, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 958, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 664, in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 634, in _load_backward_compatible
File “c:\python35_64\envs\test-environment\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loade
r\”, line 389, in load_module
File “site-packages\duniterpy\key\”, line 7, in
File “”, line 969, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 958, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 664, in load_unlocked
File “”, line 634, in load_backward_compatible
File “c:\python35_64\envs\test-environment\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loade
r\”, line 389, in load_module
File "site-packages\libnacl_init
.py", line 76, in
File "site-packages\libnacl_init
.py", line 33, in _get_nacl
OSError: Could not locate nacl lib, searched for libsodium
Failed to execute script main
LOADER: Cleaning up Python interpreter.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia>

je subis W7

Ok je vois plusieurs choses surprenantes (surement un bug du coté de l’installeur) :

  • Sakia 64 est installé dans les dossiers 32 bits
  • libsodium n’est pas packagé

En attendant, pour corriger l’erreur, tu peux télécharger libsodium.dll et le copier dans le dossier de Sakia, ça lui permettra de démarrer !

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libsodium.dll est pourtant déjà dans le dossier Sakia

ah! la version 32bits s’est ouverte :confetti_ball:

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ok merci Inso. J’ai pu créer mon id avec Sakia 32. Une fenêtre de commandes reste ouverte, mais c’est pas bien gênant. bonne fin de journée!

Oui, il faut que je pense à enlever ça. Je pense que tu utilises Windows 7 32 bits, c’est pour ça.

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Bah pourtant, les “Informations système générales” indiquent un “Système d’exploitation 64 bits”

Bonjour, j’ai découvert Duniter hier et essayé d’installer sakia sur mon portable windows 10 64bits. J’ai téléchargé le .exe, l’ai installé : j’ai bien l’icone de lancement sur mon bureau, mais quand je clique une fenêtre noire apparait avec des lignes de commandes qui défilent puis elle disparait, et plus rien ne se passe. Voila, c’était justge pour vous signaler que ça bugue. (J’ai alors installé l’appli Duniter sur mon smartphone et la ça marche, me reste plus qu’à obtenir des certifications)

Merci pour tes retours,

Peux tu essayer de faire comme écrit ici : Souci install Sakia ?

Aussi, essaye avec la version 32 bits pour voir si ça fonctionne mieux. :slight_smile:

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Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.10240]
© 2015 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.

’sakia.exe’ n’est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.

’sakia.exe’ n’est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.

Le chemin d’accès spécifié est introuvable.



C:>cd Program Files (x86)

C:\Program Files (x86)>cd Sakai
Le chemin d’accès spécifié est introuvable.

C:\Program Files (x86)>cd Sakia

C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia>sakia.exe
PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x
LOADER: executable is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia\sakia.exe
LOADER: homepath is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia
LOADER: archivename is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia\sakia.exe
LOADER: No need to extract files to run; setting extractionpath to homepath
LOADER: SetDllDirectory(C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia)
LOADER: Already in the child - running user’s code.
LOADER: Python library: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia\python35.dll
LOADER: Loaded functions from Python library.
LOADER: Manipulating environment (sys.path, sys.prefix)
LOADER: Pre-init sys.path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia
LOADER: sys.prefix is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia
LOADER: Setting runtime options
LOADER: Initializing python
LOADER: Overriding Python’s sys.path
LOADER: Post-init sys.path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia
LOADER: Setting sys.argv
LOADER: setting sys._MEIPASS
LOADER: importing modules from CArchive
LOADER: extracted struct
LOADER: callfunction returned…
LOADER: extracted pyimod01_os_path
LOADER: callfunction returned…
LOADER: extracted pyimod02_archive
LOADER: callfunction returned…
LOADER: extracted pyimod03_importers
LOADER: callfunction returned…
LOADER: Installing PYZ archive with Python modules.
LOADER: PYZ archive: out00-PYZ.pyz
LOADER: Running
LOADER: Running
LOADER: Running
LOADER: Running
LOADER: Running
LOADER: Running
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “sakia\”, line 21, in
File “”, line 969, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 958, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 664, in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 634, in _load_backward_compatible
File “c:\python35_64\envs\test-environment\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\”, line 389, in load_module
File “sakia\gui\”, line 16, in
File “”, line 969, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 958, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 664, in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 634, in _load_backward_compatible
File “c:\python35_64\envs\test-environment\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\”, line 389, in load_module
File “sakia\gui\”, line 8, in
File “”, line 969, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 958, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 664, in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 634, in load_backward_compatible
File “c:\python35_64\envs\test-environment\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\”, line 389, in load_module
File "site-packages\duniterpy_init
.py", line 27, in
File “”, line 969, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 958, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 664, in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 634, in load_backward_compatible
File “c:\python35_64\envs\test-environment\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\”, line 389, in load_module
File "site-packages\duniterpy\key_init
.py", line 1, in
File “”, line 969, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 958, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 664, in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 634, in _load_backward_compatible
File “c:\python35_64\envs\test-environment\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\”, line 389, in load_module
File “site-packages\duniterpy\key\”, line 7, in
File “”, line 969, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 958, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 664, in load_unlocked
File “”, line 634, in load_backward_compatible
File “c:\python35_64\envs\test-environment\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\loader\”, line 389, in load_module
File "site-packages\libnacl_init
.py", line 76, in
File "site-packages\libnacl_init
.py", line 33, in _get_nacl
OSError: Could not locate nacl lib, searched for libsodium
Failed to execute script main
LOADER: Cleaning up Python interpreter.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Sakia>

Meme bug que Bic… tu peux utiliser la version 32 bits. Il semblerait que la version 64 bits ait des problèmes.

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Ok, je vais essayer. Merci

La version 32 bit s’est installée et s’ouvre comme Bic, la fenêtre noire de commande reste ouverte.