Tentative de créer le bloc zéro pour ma cryptomonnaie de Duniter "Guilder-test de base européen" sur Yunohost

Traduit avec DeepL



Après de longues vacances et après avoir bénéficié de l’aide des gens de Yunohost qui ont finalement résolu les derniers problèmes que j’avais avec ma nouvelle installation, je suis prêt à me concentrer à nouveau sur Duniter.
Il est temps pour moi d’essayer de créer Block zero, le composant nécessaire pour lancer une monnaie Duniter.



Ce qui devrait être fait exactement est un mystère pour moi, mais j’espère ralentir la transformation de ce post en tutoriel ou copier/coller dans un tutoriel plus grand.

Ce que je sais jusqu’à présent, c’est que je dois créer le Bloc Zéro manuellement et que le Protocole Duniter contient des informations indirectes mais complètes pour comprendre comment créer un tel bloc.

  • Comment le bloc zéro est-il démarré ?
    • Dans quel format de fichier est-il écrit ?
    • Où devrait-il être situé ?
  • Que doit contenir le document ?

Puisqu’il y a une description de ce qu’un “Block document” devrait contenir et beaucoup d’exemples,
Je pense qu’il est prudent de commencer par ça d’abord.

Pour l’instant, j’ai ça:



J’ai récemment trouvé https://g1.duniter.fr/blockchain/block/0

Il commence à ressembler à ce que je pourrais avoir besoin de nommer le document blockchain.json.
Le bloc ne semble pas correspondre entièrement à l’exemple.
Il n’y a pas de “monetaryMass” ou “len” dans l’exemple.

Beaucoup de mystères subsistent.

Documents - Dois-je d’abord rédiger un document d’identité ?
Hash intérieur - D’où vient le Hash ?
Block_UID - D’où vient le Hash ?
Signatures - D’où vient l’encodage Base64 ?
Deuxième membre - Est-ce nécessaire ? Comment puis-je obtenir la clé publique à partir de cela ?


J’ai essayé de traquer l’erreur de log qui me dit qu’il ne peut pas trouver le bloc racine, en espérant trouver où j’aurais dû mettre mon fichier json.




Mais on dirait qu’il essaie d’extraire une base de données sqlite. Je suppose que je dois remplir manuellement la base de données des duniter.


J’avance quelque part…

admin@Gildurklaus:/var/lib/duniter/.config/duniter/duniter_default$ sudo sqlite3 duniter.db
SQLite version 2014-10-29 13:59:56
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .tables
b_index                 identities_pending      sandbox_certs         
block                   idty                    sandbox_idty          
blockchain              m_index                 sandbox_memberships   
c_index                 membership              sandbox_txs           
cert                    meta                    transactions_desc     
certifications_pending  network                 transactions_pending  
forks                   peer                    txs                   
i_index                 s_index                 wallet    



Pour commencer, au moins deux identités, les membres et les certifications doivent être créés et ensuite le bloc zéro.



Comment calculer les hashes d’identité:

idty = hashlib.sha256("Version: 10\n" + "Type: Identity\n" + "Currency: guilder-test\n" + "Issuer: 4FE3bGwDNwsjLzAKF7f87NCEnwgKqTipH4tgK8HuXEwR\n" + "UniqueID: folatt\n" + "Timestamp: 0-E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855\n").hexdigest().upper()
>>> idty
idty = hashlib.sha256("Version: 10\n" + "Type: Identity\n" + "Currency: guilder-test\n" + "Issuer: 4afuUAUANLEY11LZHj7mxtZQxedJ5SMCp2yi9TR1ZMjx\n" + "UniqueID: folat2t\n" + "Timestamp: 0-E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855\n").hexdigest().upper()
>>> idty


>>> import hashlib, base64
>>> from ecpy.eddsa import EDDSA
>>> from ecpy.curves import Curve, Point
>>> from ecpy.keys import ECPublicKey, ECPrivateKey
>>> cv = Curve.get_curve('Ed25519')
>>> pu_key = ECPublicKey(Point(0,0,cv))
>>> pv_key = ECPrivateKey(0,cv)
>>> signer = EDDSA(hashlib.sha256)
>>> sig    = base64.b64encode(signer.sign(b'01234567890123456789012345678912',pv_key))
>>> sig
>>>sig = base64.b64encode('9d821eb140fe97d1c792d519ebdad1824a80cc72a075f67d8c7144d893046372')
>>> sig

Créer des adhésions

"IN", "4FE3bGwDNwsjLzAKF7f87NCEnwgKqTipH4tgK8HuXEwR", 0, 0, "E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855", 
"folatt", "0-E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855", "0-E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855", 
"E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855", "5DA0B40CCABE81DC559CA0A73B025FD047510CF19302028E435EE425D35007B1", 
"IN", "4afuUAUANLEY11LZHj7mxtZQxedJ5SMCp2yi9TR1ZMjx", 0, 0, "E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855", 
"folatt2", "0-E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855", "0-E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855", 
"E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855", "9D821EB140FE97D1C792D519EBDAD1824A80CC72A075F67D8C7144D893046372", 



J’ai synchronisé mon autre “pico-ordinateur” (de la taille d’un Rpi) avec la devise g1-test.
Je suppose que c’est le type de “document” que je dois insérer.

sqlite> select * from block limit 1;
sqlite> PRAGMA table_info(block);


Premier essai

Error: NOT NULL constraint failed: block.hash


première tentative réussie

sqlite> INSERT INTO block VALUES (0, "", "", "", "guilder-test", "", NULL, NULL, NULL, 10, 2, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

Baser le document sur les informations d’enregistrement sql, c’est ce que j’ai :

# 0 - Je ne suis pas sûr de ce que c'est, mais je suppose que c'est faux.

# Blockhash ? Hash de InnerHash:SIGNATURE? Qu'y a-t-il entre les deux?

# La valeur de hash de Version:Type:Currency:Number:PoWMin:Time:MedianTime:UD:UnitBase:Issuer:IssuersFrame:
# IssuersFrameVar:DifferentIssuersCount:Parameters:MembersCount:Identities:Joiners:actives:Leavers:revoked:Excluded:Transactions

# Hash: à Nonce: NONCE\n, où la clé publique associée est le champ Émetteur du bloc.

# "guilder-test" - Nom de la cryptomonnaie

# "4FE3bGwDNwsjLzAKF7f87NCEnwgKqTipH4tgK8HuXEwR" - Clé publique de keyring.yml 

# paramètres de cryptomonnaie, Protocol.md#protocol-parameters "0.000054218:86400:100:0:300000:604800:604800:0.9:35136000:3:20:960:10:0.6666666666666666:1489675722:1489675722:2629800"

# NULL - Hash du bloc précédent

# NULL - Issuer du bloc précédent

# 10 - En supposant qu'il s'agit de la dernière version stable de master/test/data/blocks.js, bien que l'exemple indique qu'elle devrait être 6.

# 1? - En espérant que seulement 2 membres minimum sont nécessaires pour commencer le bloc zéro.

# 0? - compteur de masse monétaire?

# NULL - ??

# 1523173253? - Une sorte de date de création ?

# NULL - Si HEAD.number == 0, HEAD.dividend doit être nul.

# 0 - "Pour le bloc racine, UnitBase doit être égal à 0." selon Protocol.md

# 1523173253? - Le Time & MedianTime du bloc racine doit être égal.

# 0 - Pouvoir de la difficulté de travail ? Je pensais que la génération de monnaie Duniter était basée sur le temps.

# 0 - Numéro de bloc #0

# 0 - ??

# [] - Vide pour le bloc #0

# ["4FE3bGwDNwsjLzAKF7f87NCEnwgKqTipH4tgK8HuXEwR:??:0:??",
"??:4FE3bGwDNwsjLzAKF7f87NCEnwgKqTipH4tgK8HuXEwR:0:??"] # issuer#1:issuer#2:id of block#0: Some kind of Base64 encoding.

# ["4FE3bGwDNwsjLzAKF7f87NCEnwgKqTipH4tgK8HuXEwR:?Issuer#2?:
   0-e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855:folatt2"] - issuer#1:issuer#2:hashlib.sha256('').hexdigest():username.

# ["4FE3bGwDNwsjLzAKF7f87NCEnwgKqTipH4tgK8HuXEwR:?Issuer#2?:
   0-e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855:folatt2"] - issuer#1:issuer#2:hashlib.sha256('').hexdigest():username.

# [] - Vide pour le bloc #0

# [] - Vide pour le bloc #0

# [] - Vide pour le bloc #0

# [] - Vide pour le bloc #0

# NULL - ??

# NULL - ??

# 1 - ??

# 0 - ??

# 0 - ??

# 0 - ??

De plus, une ou deux adhésions doivent être créées.

# IN - ??

# Public key from keyring.yml - "4FE3bGwDNwsjLzAKF7f87NCEnwgKqTipH4tgK8HuXEwR" 

# 0 - Block Number #0

# 0 - Block Number #0

# 0000???? - ??

# folatt - Your username

# 0-<blockHash> - ??

# certts - ??

# <Another hash> - ??

# <Third hash> - ??

# 0 - ??

# NULL - ??

# 1523275270 - ??

# <Ed25519 pattern Base64 encoding signature> - ??

# NULL - ??

Rien ne se passe après avoir ajouté l’enregistrement 0 autre que le fait que je ne vois plus info : Block resolution : 0 potential blocks for root block apparaissent toutes les heures dans duniter.log.


Innerhash résolu !

>>> innerhash = hashlib.sha256("Version: 10\n" + "Type: Block\n" + "Currency: duniter_unit_test_currency\n" + "Number: 0\n" + "PoWMin: 0\n" + "Time: 1483614905\n" + "MedianTime: 1483614905\n" + "UnitBase: 0\n" + "Issuer: DNann1Lh55eZMEDXeYt59bzHbA3NJR46DeQYCS2qQdLV\n" + "IssuersFrame: 1\n" + "IssuersFrameVar: 0\n" + "DifferentIssuersCount: 0\n" + "Parameters: 0.007376575:3600:120:0:40:604800:31536000:1:604800:604800:0.9:31536000:3:20:960:10:0.6666666666666666:1483614905:1483614905:100\n" + "MembersCount: 2\n" + "Identities:\n" +
"DNann1Lh55eZMEDXeYt59bzHbA3NJR46DeQYCS2qQdLV:1eubHHbuNfilHMM0G2bI30iZzebQ2cQ1PC7uPAw08FGMMmQCRerlF/3pc4sAcsnexsxBseA/3lY03KlONqJBAg==:0-E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855:tic\n" + "DKpQPUL4ckzXYdnDRvCRKAm1gNvSdmAXnTrJZ7LvM5Qo:lcekuS0eP2dpFL99imJcwvDAwx49diiDMkG8Lj7FLkC/6IJ0tgNjUzCIZgMGi7bL5tODRiWi9B49UMXb8b3MAw==:0-E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855:toc\n" + "Joiners:\n" + "DNann1Lh55eZMEDXeYt59bzHbA3NJR46DeQYCS2qQdLV:s2hUbokkibTAWGEwErw6hyXSWlWFQ2UWs2PWx8d/kkElAyuuWaQq4Tsonuweh1xn4AC1TVWt4yMR3WrDdkhnAw==:0-E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855:0-E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855:tic\n" +
"DKpQPUL4ckzXYdnDRvCRKAm1gNvSdmAXnTrJZ7LvM5Qo:80pUx9YBk0RwqrVrQQA+PuxoNn21A8NwQ3824CQPU1ad9R1oDXc/pU6NVpQv92LM8gaWs/Pm1mLXNNVnr+m6BA==:0-E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855:0-E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855:toc\n" +
"Actives:\n" + "Leavers:\n" + "Revoked:\n" + "Excluded:\n" + "Certifications:\n" + "DKpQPUL4ckzXYdnDRvCRKAm1gNvSdmAXnTrJZ7LvM5Qo:DNann1Lh55eZMEDXeYt59bzHbA3NJR46DeQYCS2qQdLV:0:vMaYgBSnU+83AYOVQCZAx1XLpg/F1MmMztDfCnZvl8hPs4LE9tcDvCrrFogAwMEW2N7Y0gCH62/fBMgw4KrGCA==\n" + "DNann1Lh55eZMEDXeYt59bzHbA3NJR46DeQYCS2qQdLV:DKpQPUL4ckzXYdnDRvCRKAm1gNvSdmAXnTrJZ7LvM5Qo:0:RKIGMgYIhB9FmjPbmyo4egPufg/iTpBznYGZp5hjK1WZ1a9imQldLNUMe0eiPlSKJTK/JD3gOlCiynOEY2csBA==\n" + "Transactions:\n").hexdigest().toupper()
>>> innerhash

J’ai utilisé l’exemple valid_root sur blocks.js pour valider ma réponse.

Je l’ai aussi essayé avec le bloc zéro de g1-test et aussi celui-ci est correct quand les données sont arrêtées comme dans block.js.



After a long vacation and having had great help from the people of Yunohost that would finally fix the last issues I had with my new installation, I’m ready to focus on Duniter again.
It’s time for my attempt to create Block zero, the necessary component needed to kickstart a Duniter currency.


What exactly should be done is a mystery to me, but I hope to slowy turning this post into a tutorial or copy/paste it into a larger one.

What I know so far is that I have to create Block Zero manually and that the Duniter Protocol contains indirect but complete information to figure out how to create such a block.

  • How is block zero started?
    • Which file format is it written in?
    • Where should it be located?
  • What should the document contain?

Since there’s a description of what a “Block document” should contain and plenty of examples,
I think it’s safe to start with that first.

So far I’ve got this:


I’ve recently found https://g1.duniter.fr/blockchain/block/0

It’s beginning to look like I might need to name the document blockchain.json.
The block’s doesn’t seem to correspond to the example entirely.
There’s no “monetaryMass” or “len” in the example.

A lot of mysteries remain.

  • Documents - Do I need to write an identity document first?
  • Inner Hash - Where does the Hash come from?
  • Block_UID - Where does the Hash come from?
  • Signatures - Where does the Base64 encoding come from?
  • Second member - Is it necessary? How would I get the public key from that?


I tried tracking down the log error that tells me it can’t find the root block, hoping to figure out where I shoud have put my json file.


But this looks like it’s trying to dig out an sqlite database. I’m guessing that I have to manually fill up the duniter database then.


I’m getting somewhere.


I Synched my other “pico-computer” (Rpi-sized) with the g1-test currency.
I guess this is the type of “document” I have to insert.


First try


First succesful insert

Basing the document on the sql record info this is what I have:

If you could talk here, in public, on this project, i’m very interested. I’m thinking i’m not single there…

1 Like


J’ai le même problème de barrière de la langue que toi, comme je suis Néerlandais.
Alors, s’il vous plaît, corrigez mon français si nécessaire.
À cause du projet, il serait peut-être encore mieux que je l’annonce en français, malgré le fait que je doive utiliser un traducteur.

L’idée du projet a été postée il y a six mois en anglais, mais je la relancerai en français dès que mon premier coin de recherche sera mis en place.

Six mois…prendre si longtemps, tout en réalisant si peu :sob:

Pourtant, tant que personne ne poursuit la suivante, alors je prendrai la tête.

  1. Une cryptomonnaie de l’UE pour remplacer l’euro
  2. Production de monnaie décentralisée (que fait duniter)
  3. Croissance du dividende de 2% par an

Duniter’s G1 est

  1. Une cryptomonnaie International
  2. Production de monnaie décentralisée
  3. Croissance du dividende de 10% par mois?

This is not what i want to say.

I want to get information about the creation of the block “zero” of a Duniter currency. Your post suppose there will be a discussion about that so i’m just saying it’s should be keept public.

Hi @Folaht

A few notes regarding your points on what you want to create :

  1. Not sure where you want to go with “replacing €”… How would you get the € down (appart from waiting until it collapses by itself)… ? No need to answer this one though, just a thought ^^
  2. OK, seems like you are at the right place for this
  3. A Libre Currency (as meant in the Relative THeory of Money by Stéphane Laborde) should have a growth that depends on the average life expectancy, which is around 80 years in Europe and leads to around 10 % per year (not per month !). If you do not stick to this property, there are very high chances that you will not get any help from the devs here as Duniter is specifically meant for a Libre Currency. If you use a 2 % per year rate, you will not respect the flow of human lives which are a key to creating this monney. This 10 % per year rate is really important to a Libre Currency as it makes sure a generation does not create more or less monney than any in the past or future. A shorter life expectancy leads to a higher rate. We would need to have a life expectancy of 550 or 600 years to have a “fair” rate of 2 % !

If you have any further question, please ask, I will answer as best as I can.

1 Like

Hey @gpsqueeek

  1. Oui, J’attendrai jusqu’à ce qu’il s’effondre.
  2. Vive les Français! (et l’UE)
  3. Aie! Mon idée est que pour maintenir un salaire vital pour tous, nous aurons besoin de plus d’organisations autonome décentralisées. Une cryptomonnaie décentralisée n’est que le premier pas.

Hi again @Folaht
(you can go on in English if you want, I do not use a translator, but then some members may need the French part, you can choose whatever solution you want, with or without translation)

  1. Well, here are good news : there is no need to wait, you can start using a libre currency without waiting for the other currencies to collapse. I know that joining the G1 may seem not so easy but here is what I can do : if you come to Toulouse (where I live) at a moment I am available, I can offer you a place to stay for a couple of days so you can take the time to meet enough people to be certified yourself. Note that you cannot start a “local community” if you are alone, you need at least 5 persons, and travels to meet other members of the WoT would also help.
  2. Hem… nothing for me to answer here, I am French because I was born and grew up here, nothing to be proud or ashamed about ^^
  3. I do not see what decentralization and a basic income have to do with the monetary mass increase rate.
1 Like

Do you know 4 other persons and do have time in the summer? I am poor, out of money and I recently returned from a long vacation in the Philippines. I don’t want to burden my boss with another vacation so early. My father is a rich pensioner and often likes to vacation dans Côte d’Azur. He always loves his children to join and is likely willing to pay for my flight (again).

It was directed to specific French. Cgeek, Moul, blavenie, mmuman, Inso and others. They should be proud, though I assume cgeek already is and perhaps the others also.

Ah, excusez moi. I misunderstood your explanation of Libre Currency.
I don’t understand why a generation in the future would create less money, but I also do not know how Duniter “spreads the wealth” so to speak. I always assumed a starting with an x amount of money and a y% per year of the economy. If they get 2% of the economy per year, they should all get the same no? Or is this about inheritance?

If you come to Toulouse I can tell you for sure you can meet more than 4 other certified people… Have a look at the map ! Nice is unfortunately not yet very populated with members ; I’ll be there in May (14th to 18th) but not in the summer. If your father likes good food you might bring him to take you to a south west food tour (there is good food everywhere in the world but there seems to be a concentration of it in the south west of France, and I am not from here ^^) :smiley:

Well they can be proud of their achievements, but I am not sure it has anything to do with being French. Whatever, thanks for the good vibes anyway \o/

This has to do with the heart of a Libre Currency : the Relative Theory of Money - quite a bit of math in there and the English is not yet at its best (I know some people are working on it but it is not a light task at all). The formula that gors to the 10 % a year has only one variable : the average life expectancy. This formula makes sure every generation gets as much money as any other relatively to the monetary mass (this is actually very important : take two 100 people villages with a guy having 500 units of the local money ; if one village has a total of 1 000 units, then the guy has half of the monney ; if the other vilalge has 1 000 000 then the guy has just a bit of it and is definitely not as rich as the other one although they have the same number of units ; and yes, the total population also counts).

At some point we might take some time to talk on Framatalk or something if you want. The hard part will be to find a moment when I am available ^^ Send me a private message if you want me to try that :wink:

Why would one village have 1.000.000 units in total while the other has 1.000 units?
Oh wait, I think I might know what the issue. The 500 units is the Universal Dividend.
The first generation starts off with a lot, but the next generation will have a lot less to start with.
And that is considered not fair. Am I correct?

If that’s the case it’s too small an issue for me.

I forgot three more reasons

  1. A digital verification process via the government would be much faster.
  2. If a currency is the national currency, it guarantees your ability to pay taxes in that currency.
  3. Governments will prefer a national cryptocoin over a non-national one.

Hum the 1 000 vs 1 000 000 units has nothing to do with UD, it was just an example (not necessarily in a Libre Currency). Possibly you need 1 000 units of one village to get 1 unit of the other. I was pointing out that what is important to know to establish if someone is rich is the share of the monnay, not the number of units. For example, 1 Euro is not equivalent to 1 Yen (or 1 Dong or whatever you want). And the total number of Euro is not the same as the total number of other currencies (even the average monetary mass per inhabitant is quite different).

The consequence is that, if you want to have two generations create the same amount of money share (i.e. relative to the total monetary mass) in a Libre Currency, you need a later generation to create more units because the monetary mass has increased because of (or thanks to…?) the previous generations. You create more and more units, but the share of the total monetary mass per member is the same, that is the point.

As for your other points :

  1. I would say not necessarily, and the WoT is independent. Do you really trust your state (the current one and all that will come in the future, this is important) or do you prefer something decentralized that cannot be controlled by a small number of powerfull people (i.e. the government to which you give all your “democratic” power when you elect them (i.e. possibly you choose which bad guy will tell you what you do but you have no good guy to choose from)) ? I prefer the decentralized way, although it takes a couple of weeks or months.
  2. You have a good point there. If you consider your taxes are used correctly. See previous point about democracy if you want a bit of my point of view (to make it short : I am happy to pay my taxes for now but I am not sure it will always be the case considering how politics do whatever they want without listening to “the people”) ^^
  3. same player shoots again :smiley: The G1 is independant of a government (it started in France and is mostly there and a bit in Belgium and other places but goes out slowly because of / thanks to the web of trust)

Please note the points 4 to 6 are my point of view while the explanation before is more informative. What’s next ? \o/


I think you need to precise that the two villages of your example are using a different currency :wink:

1 Like

That’s correct ! Thanks :wink: