As libre currency have exponential growing number property, we must care about a programming limitation: integer variables types maximum value.
Metab brouzouf experience
With Meta brouzouf, we simulate more than 330 years duration which on average 15 members creating money. Meta brouzouf monetary mass is 64.10¹⁸ MB which is up than a long int
which is 2⁶³ - 1 = 9.10¹⁸ units. That’s not the case of UD which is today 0.5 10¹⁸ MB.
uCoin softwares are using int type bigger than long int
In a production libre currency, when big numbers could arrived? We know growing rate is about 10% per year. But we don’t know about the number of members.
So, I try a simulation, which calculate M and UD.
- monetary mass growth c = +10%/year as recommended by RTM.
- we consider number of members N constant.
- Initial UD is 100 units.
- UD calculation is always calculated with UD = c × M/N
Libre currency - big number simulation.ods (9,6 Ko)
You could change N (number of members).
My conclusion is that 30 years of libre currency duration (Bitcoin is ~7 years duration) with:
- N = 1.000 members, M go to 1.7 10⁶ MB and UD go to 1.7 10³ MB.
- N = 1.000.000 members, M go to 1.7 10⁹ and UD go to 1.7 0³ MB.
It’s not a problem for less than 30 years and less than 1 M members. It could be an issue for longer duration and more members.