About the Presentations category

Welcome on the Duniter technical forum! We invite you to create a thread in the category #presentations to introduce yourself, if you are interested in the project or would like to contribute.

:fr: Bienvenue sur le forum technique Duniter ! Nous vous invitons à créer une discussion dans la catégorie #presentations pour vous présenter, notamment si le projet vous intéresse ou que vous souhaitez contribuer.

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Hello everyone,
I am a software engineer and I have been playing around with the block chain protocol for a while. As much as I loved bitcoin, I always felt like it did not solved all the problem the current monetary system has. When I found out about the Stéphane Laborde 's “Relative theory of money”, I decided to dig into it and now I can say with confidence that it brings lots of interesting solutions to most of the issues that Bitcoin did not address.
I am interested in implementing a “free money software” for my community and I would appreciate if you guys could direct me to the right members.

Let me just say what you guys are doing is awesome. I am convinced that “Free money” is what will save the planet from the corporate and banks greed.